Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Very First Post!

I am so excited to share my very first blog post! I have wanted to create a blog for quite a while now, I'm just not too terribly techno savvy and thought that it would be WAY over my head. It has really proven to be one of the easiest things that I have done lately! I really want a cutsie background and font to go along with that, but for now the free templates work for me! I have "stalked" many blogs in search of parenting and decorating ideas and love to follow along with my cyber friends and keep up with what is going on in their world. I'm using this more as a journal and online scrapbook than anything and I am not really sure that I will even make it public...I guess we will just see how things go!

Well, I should start by introducing my little ones: Leah is 10 and in fifth grade, Kayla is 7 and in second grade, and Anna is 4 and goes to 4K 3 days a week at our church. Leah is an All Star cheerleader for Champions Gymstars and Kayla is on the Super G's gymnastics team at Champions. Anna takes a gymnastics class and is in ballet @ Westminster. All three girls sing in the choir at our church. There is never a dull moment and I spend a lot of time on the road and at the gym...with them! Too bad I don't spend as much time at a gym for mommies...I should work on that! We travel to competitions for cheer leading and gymnastics and get to see neat places and a few not so neat places along the way.

Most of our family lives relatively close to us which is very nice; and the cousins that live out of town come home often to visit! My mom lives about 6 minutes away...not that we count or anything!! My sister and brother in law live even closer, and my brother and sister in law live close too. My brother, Stephen and his wife, Allison are expecting their first baby in May and my girls could not be more excited about their first "first cousin"! Well, Leah is excited as long as the baby doesn't come on her birthday- she is not ready to share that day just yet. They do not know what they are having and it is driving me insane not to know. I love to have things monogrammed for babies and I cannot do it until this little one arrives...UGH! Anna thinks that it will be a girl and would like for them to name her "Dora"!!

I think that will do it for my very first post...now off to see if I can add a picture of my girlies without blowing my mind!

:o) Debra

Okay, picture is here but not centered...oh well...I can work on that next time!
This picture is from our trip to Beaufort for a gymnastics meet for Kayla a couple of weeks ago.

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